Asset Forfeiture News

The Police Took My Money At An Airport, What Do I Do?

If you were detained at an airport and had your luggage searched, it is likely that you are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. A simple search can often result in currency seizure when the police allege that your money was related to an illegal narcotics transaction or other illegal activities. If this situation sounds familiar, it is important to keep the following in mind: Don’t panic, take a deep breath, and expect a long process. Do not get drawn into long answers or discussions...

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Why use an Answering Service For Your Asset Forfeiture Law Firm

Asset forfeiture is a serious step that can be taken against a client to hinder them from engaging in criminal activities such as fraud. When a client’s property is about to be taken away from them, he or she will need urgent legal representation to stop the process, and the clients will keep the property. As an attorney, you may work outside the office when you attend meeting clients, among other issues. Your clients may be challenged to reach you most of the time, especially during the...

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent? WTF? Outrageous Civil Asset Forfeiture Cases Highlight the Issue

Driving with cash and/or valuables is apparently a big offense and may get you detained by police even if you have done nothing wrong. A couple and their one year old child were driving through Texas when they saw the dreaded sirens in the rear view mirror. The man who was driving was the owner of a restaurant and he was on his way to buy restaurant equipment from an auction. He had $50K cash. He also had an iPad, cell phones and the car of course. The police took it all after they had a dog...

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Federal Law Enforcement Raid U.S. Private Vaults and Seizes Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes...

Our law firm has been contacted by dozens of individuals, seeking advice from an experienced and qualified asset seizure/forfeiture attorney, regarding the seizure of their private safe deposit boxes on Monday March 22, 2021.  Most individuals who contacted us are in a state of shock to see most or all of their life savings confiscated.  This is what we know thus far, as of the time of this article, based upon information we have garnered: Law enforcement consisting of police units from the...

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How to Retrieve Cash That Has Been Seized by the DEA

If you are under suspicion of committing a drug trafficking or money laundering offense, police can seize your possessions (money, assets, or both). In civil property forfeiture, the police can detain your possessions even when you aren’t facing a criminal charge. Once this happens, you must learn how to retrieve your money back. Note that legal forfeiture processes are very different from normal civil processes. Thus, it may be a challenge to go through the processes alone. For guidance and...

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Commercial Marijuana and Asset Forfeiture

The legalization of marijuana has been around for quite some time. However, there are no clear regulations about its commercial sale. This is marked by the conflict between state forfeiture laws and the sale of recreational cannabis. Due to this misfortune, many people have lost properties to the government once they are seized due to alleged violations of different marijuana laws. This makes asset forfeiture laws a unique enforcement tool that poses a threat to the recreational cannabis...

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What Happens to the Money Seized in Civil Asset Forfeiture

Civil asset forfeiture practices allow law enforcement officers to take possession of an asset, usually money, based on the belief that the property was involved in wrongdoing. The law enforcement officers have the mandate to take the property without bringing any criminal proceedings against the person who is in possession of the property. Under civil asset forfeiture, the government doesn’t charge an individual with the crime but charges the asset, commonly known as in rem action. Charging...

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New Bill to End Civil Asset Forfeiture Nationwide

Asset forfeiture is seen as one of the weightiest abuses of power. In this case, the victims are property owners who are neither charged nor convicted of committing criminal offenses. As long as you are subject to investigation and prosecution in a white-collar crime case, the DEA, FBI, or DOJ can seize your property. This could be personal property like vehicles, planes, bank accounts, boats, etc. When the federal government takes over your property’s control, they strip you of the title of...

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Property Forfeiture in a Federal Case

Losing your property in a property forfeiture operation can be detrimental to your life because you risk losing your home or other highly valuable possessions. Moreover, your loved ones will be exposed to the severe consequences of forfeiture like becoming homeless or facing significant financial constraints. You could also receive a prison sentence that prevents you from protecting your loved ones and your property from forfeiture. Therefore, learning about the possible reasons for property...

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Recent State Asset Forfeiture Changes

All states in the U.S allow the federal government law enforcement officers to seize, forfeit and sell any property or material alleged to be associated with illegal activity, for example, cash, real estate, and cars. The purpose of forfeiture laws is to disrupt or cripple criminal activities by diverting their resources. However, most law enforcement officers misuse asset forfeiture laws to benefit themselves by taking properties from innocent citizens they know have no sufficient resources...

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Contact a Competent Asset Forfeiture Defense Attorney Near Me

Whereas government agencies will make it appear like they have every right to seize your property since you, your household member, or your loved one is accused of an offense, don’t listen. Whether the connection between the criminal activity and the property in question is strong enough is for the court to decide. Contact Asset Forfeiture Attorney law firm today at 888-571-5590 to schedule a complimentary consultation and case evaluation. We serve clients throughout California and nationwide facing asset forfeiture.