Asset Forfeiture News

Navigating Asset Forfeiture Proceedings: Understanding The Settlement Process And Legal Tactics...

Asset forfeiture is a powerful tool used by law enforcement to combat crime by seizing property suspected of being used in illegal activity. The government seizes this property with the intention of dismantling and deterring criminal activity. Despite this, property owners who have nothing to do with criminal activity often suffer unjust seizures. Navigating asset forfeiture proceedings can be incredibly complicated for property owners, especially if you have no prior experience with the...

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The Impact Of Administrative Forfeiture On Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws And Property Owners

Civil asset forfeiture is a legal process where law enforcement can seize your assets so long as it merely suspects you or the assets in question have been involved in criminal activity. Under the laws that give rise to civil asset forfeiture, law enforcement doesn’t need a court order or to charge you with a crime to take this action. Despite seemingly good intentions of deterring crime, many critics argue this practice cuts against the fabric of America, and understandably so. Administrative...

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New Proof That Police Use Civil Forfeiture To Take From Those Who Can’t Fight Back Institute For Justice Andrew Wimer Contributor Institute For Justice Contributor Group Policy Police and prosecutors can use civil forfeiture to take property without criminal charges, a new... [+] GETTY Nassir Geiger spoke with the wrong person at the wrong time and it cost him hundreds of dollars and his car. Nassir was a victim of...

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Understanding Asset Forfeiture Laws: Procedures, Protections, And Ethical Considerations

Asset forfeiture laws are what give law enforcement the ability to seize property it believes has been used in connection with criminal activity. These laws play a significant, albeit debatable, role in combating crime and disrupting illicit activities, but at the same time raise incredibly important legal and ethical questions. Understanding the ins and outs of asset forfeiture law, variations in procedures and protections across the United States, and the ethical considerations in asset...

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A Guide To Navigating The Asset Forfeiture Notice Of Seizure Process

Receiving an asset forfeiture notice of seizure is a bewildering experience, to put it lightly. One of these notices, issued by law enforcement agencies or other governmental entities, marks the beginning of the asset forfeiture process. In it, proceedings that facilitate the seizure of the defendant’s valuable property and assets occur. If you’ve been issued an asset forfeiture notice of seizure, understanding the implications of the asset forfeiture notice you’ve received and what proactive...

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Understanding Asset Forfeiture Notice Of Seizure: Your Legal Rights And Common Challenges

Asset forfeiture, especially when accompanied by a notice of seizure, can be an intensely intimidating and even frightening experience. Not only are you confronted by law enforcement in a way you likely never have prior, but it’s out of the blue. More than this, you face losing property you’ve known as your own – for good. Asset forfeiture allows government agencies and law enforcement to seize assets it merely believes to be involved in criminal activity. It doesn’t necessarily even need to...

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The Role Of An Attorney In Your Asset Forfeiture Appeal Case

Civil, criminal and administrative asset forfeiture laws allow the government to take the private property of everyday citizens, sometimes with only the most tangential connections to criminal activity. Or none at all.  These unjust seizures of property can be challenged, though few Californians are aware of their right to do so, much less how. If this happens to you, and your initial request is denied, then you have a very short window in which to appeal, and you better make sure you get...

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Have You Been The Victim Of Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse?

If your property, cash, or car has been seized by the police in Los Angeles, California, civil asset forfeiture defense and appeal attorney Jacek Lentz is a specialist in fighting to get it back. He has a decades-long track record of helping Californias recover property or money unjustly seized by state or federal law enforcement agencies and may even be able to work on a contingency basis for those who cannot otherwise afford such a qualified attorney. But you have to act fast. The...

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What Can We Do About Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse In California?

In addition to working to further close exploitable loopholes, anyone concerned about their rights and freedoms in the state can demand transparency, accountability, and justice. Unfortunately, for now, the system is rigged against the most vulnerable in our society and remains largely in the hands of federal government agencies and state prosecutors with a perverse incentive to encourage civil asset forfeiture abuse. Until all financial incentives to seize property have been removed, there...

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The Unchecked Power: Examining Cases of Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse

Over the last 20 years, civil asset forfeiture at the state and federal levels has exploded into a veritable industry for law enforcement agencies across the country, including in California. While some of these seizures may indeed be connected to genuine crimes or be justified in the fight against drugs, there is no doubt that forfeiture procedures, rules, and loopholes are regularly abused to help fund police, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies. Even 20 years ago, academics were...

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Contact a Competent Asset Forfeiture Defense Attorney Near Me

Whereas government agencies will make it appear like they have every right to seize your property since you, your household member, or your loved one is accused of an offense, don’t listen. Whether the connection between the criminal activity and the property in question is strong enough is for the court to decide. Contact Asset Forfeiture Attorney law firm today at 888-571-5590 to schedule a complimentary consultation and case evaluation. We serve clients throughout California and nationwide facing asset forfeiture.